Lifestyle Accountability
Want Help out of the gym? Lifestyle accountability.
It has become very well known that fitness, or to get fit, isn't only found inside of the gym working out...
The elusive 70/30 or 80/20 split... meaning no matter how hard you work inside the gym, your work outside the gym matters far more.
It is easy for our staff to help control your progress inside the gym.
but outside of the gym is truly where the differences are made in fitness.
Eating, recovery, rest, lifestyle habits, life choices, and consistency are just a few of the variables that play a roll in the success of an athlete.
We want to be able to coach you beyond your movement and make an impact in your entire life.
"LIFESTYLE ACCOUNTABILITY" is the how-to of becoming a better athlete, and a better focused acheiver that will apply everywhere in your life.
We have coached ourselves to success, we have coached others to success... You're next.
Week 1-5 : one 30 minute private discussion per week, where we work on lifestyle optimization habits to make you a better athlete. Track Fat loss + muscle gain, discuss eating habits, sleep habits, social habits etc. It is our job as coaches to make you accountable for your decisions and make success a reality both inside and outside of the gym.
Every individual is unique, so it is hard to answer on the spot when asked "how do I get better", " Why am I not losing weight", "Why do I feel like crap" ...etc... Everyone works different hours, sleeps different hours, eats different amounts and at different times. We have now worked with enough success stories to finalize variation guidelines to bring you into where you want to be. We take these initial 5 weeks to onset proper habits so the next 5 weeks on your own, before a final checkup work to our advantage.
Week 5-10 : Have you been doing the right things?!? After 5 consecutive weeks of meetings and setting the groundwork to do what is needed to become more fit, we will let you go on your own for 4 weeks. A weekly text message or email to do a quick checkup... but we want to see how our coaching sticks when NO ONE is looking... on the 10th week, we meet one last time to check all results and see if the work we have done was enough...
If all else fails, START OVER and lets do it again until you are where you want to be.