Thursday Night Lights for Open Workout 14.4
Thursday night lights. Nice crew in here tonight to watch 14.4! Beast of a workout.. And we're doing it today.
3 rounds - for form
15 kips
10 air squat
5 burpees
- technique walk through on movements in 14.4
A.) open 14.4 - 14 min amrap
60 calorie row
50 toes 2 bar
40 wall balls
30 cleans
20 muscle ups
10 mins rest.
B.) 10 min emom
Even mins - sled pull/push
Odd mins - ME ball over shoulder
Members reading may realize that we've seen some of 14.4's movements already this week, that is true, but the volume is pretty low impact in this workout.. Breathing is the toughest part as well as willing your way to more reps.. You have to hurt to do well!!