2014 Regionals Event 4

Judging by how many people struggled with this workout at the elite level... we're going to be in for some fun tomorrow..

Todays WOD



400m run
5 inch worms
10 arm circles
20 double unders

- Foam roll

A.) 50m Banded/restricted sprints (Partner holds band tension behind you trying to restrict your speed

B.) 2014 Regionals Event #4


Strict HandStandPushups
Front Squats (195/125)
Burpee Over bar (Bar facing)

there will be some mods to be had for the strict hand stand pushups. For those that are unable to do strict we're going to keep the essence of strict and mod alot of individuals to inverted strict pushups with knees on box but double the reps.


CrossFit HYPE, East Boca Raton's Premier Fitness Facility and Olympic Lifting Gym.

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