uh oh..

Yes. This workout is actually what we're doing today. Buncha' babies.

3rd day of games training.

A.) 2012 CFG event : 3 attempts at max distance : Broad jump

standing still at start. Longest jump is counted.

B.) Max height : Box Jump

will be done in limbo line format. hit the height, add a plate.

C.) ..... 2013 CFG event - ..... "The Cinco's"

"The Cinco 1"

3 rounds- 7 min cap

5 Deadlift 405/315
5 Weighted pistol squats (right leg) 53/35
5 Weigthed pistol squats

------ then complete --------
 80' Hand stand walk
1 min rest

"The Cinco 2"

3 rounds - 7 min cap

5 Muscle ups
5 deficit Hand stand pushups

--------then complete----------

80' OH walking lunge - 160/100



read it as many times as it takes ;)

and I'm not posting the Rx+,Rx, or Scaled.. just so you can walk in and see what it is for yourself. #Gainz



here's the vid of cinco 1.




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