Leveling up


It's awesome to teach an athlete a new skill and see them progress enough to use it in workouts, like a muscle up.. But even more compelling is to give an athlete a heightened level of fundamental strength. The sheer ability to do something you were incapable of doing before.. Like a strict pull-up. I saw two first time strict pull-ups today.. Awesome feeling to be a part of it with you! The consistency is paying off.

Today's WOD

A.) complex - 5 sets @ 60% +\- 

1 snatch pull


1 full snatch

2 overhead squats

B.) 6 min amrap

6 OHS - 95/65

12 back rack lunges - 95/65

C.) 6 rounds - every 3 mins

Run 200m

1 inch away from a 150# strict chin-up...

Crossfit hype / hype weightlifting, east boca Raton's premier fitness facility and Olympic lifting gym

Crossfit hype / hype weightlifting, east boca Raton's premier fitness facility and Olympic lifting gym

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