Regional WOD #7 + 5k run this Saturday
Our girl @_taralynne_ ripping clean doubles @ 175lbs weighing 58kg/128lbs
#HYPEweightlifting program called for clean doubles, Starting @ 125lbs, add 5lbs every 90sec. She hit 180 with room for more. #MIAclassic should be an awesome meet for our athletes. #OlympicWeightlifting #crossfithype #crossfit @miaclassic
Today's WOD
A.) clean n jerk
B.) 2015 regionals WOD #7 -
5 rounds
* complete 1 round every 5 minutes. Keep track and add each round for total time.
25 calorie row
16 chest 2 bar pullups
9 hand stand pushups
If you've got your handstands, go for it .. Otherwise scale down to pushups and do x2 on the reps.
Video on
or Instagram .
Let's also not forget about the 5k run this Saturday. Eric Patrie 5k in delray beach. Link to signup is on our facebook page.