Today was one of those days that we as coaches LIVE for... The intensity in the gym was awesome and through intensity we breed GAINS. Records were set by most all that touched the bar today.. And we were privileged to be apart of it as coaches. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!
Today's WOD
A.) Work Up to A Max
Split Jerk
B.) 7 min AMRAP
10 Shoulder 2 Overhead 115/75
10 Box Jump 24/20
Amanda hit a pretty damn easy 140# Clean tonight. That's roughly 1.22x body weight.. You do the math for what that comes out to for yourself and see what you've got in the tank.. And then ask yourself how did she do that? Answer = #PerfectFuckinForm #NoMoreExcuses.. She commits every week to private olympic lifting training. Does extra lifting every chance she can. Complains NEVER. Listens ALWAYS. And gets to work. Ohoh, and works a full time job that consists of over night 12 hour shifts for the PD that run from 6pm to 6am. Lehsgoooo peopleeee
video at www.facebook.com/CrossFitHYPE