A Case of the Mondays... The workout that seems to never end
14.2 was an awesome workout and after a few redo's we all feel alright with how we did... Chest to bar pullups are skill that needs to be frequently practiced to be proficient at.. if neglected.. it will bite you in the ass real quick here.. but we're hoping these workouts get HEAVY soon... lots of strategy to be had in this open.
REALLY happy with how our first week went and the response from the community we've received so far... next couple weeks are only going to get better! place is going to be the definition of HYPE. Already started to put together our grand opening which is going to be SATURDAY April 5th.. going to be unreal. A few last finishing touches are going to be installed this week and boom... sickest box in town. GUARANTEED...
on another note
A case of the Mondays... as this workout will just never end.
A.) 5x3 Push Press
B.) 21-15-9
Shoulder to overhead 135/95
Box Jump 30/24
3 mins rest
Wall Ball 20/14
Ring Dip
3 mins rest
800m run
50 abmat situps