Yoga for the CrossFitter by Lululemon
Yoga for the CrossFitter presented by Lululemon and CrossFit HYPE.
Next weekend April 26th at 11am!
At 10am we have a sweet workout planned then we're all going to get our yoga on... And let me be brutally honest... Kym's yoga is world class. One of the best versed instructors I have ever met mixed with one of the most passionate, go-getter attitudes that exists. Super excited to have her and Lululemon run their program for the first time in our facility. I want EVERYONE here to experience how awesome it is for them to be doing their first event at HYPE!!!
The class is free for everyone as we want yogi's to try Crossfit and crossfitters to try yoga. Bring both communities together and share our passion in one great day.
With that said
Today's WOD
400m run + 5 inch worms
A.) weightlifting complex
Every min on min for 10mins
1 power clean + 2 hang full cleans
Increasing weight where needed
B.) 12 min amrap - ascending ladder
3 thrusters 95/65
3 pull-ups
6 thrusters
6 pull-ups
9 thrusters
9 pull-ups
12 thrusters
12 pull-ups
15 thrusters
15 pull-ups
Get as far as you can!!