Do You Even Getup?

Going to do a movement for our skill portion today that most 98% of the fitness community doesnt even know exists. A large generalization but judging by the abundance of youtube comments on any video involving a "turkish get up", most people feel it's some abomination of a crossfit move that serves no purpose. Flexibility, Skill, strength, stability, coordination are a few attributes needed to complete a single rep... things everyone on the planet could use some more of... so.. without further a due.. Todays WOD.


500m Row 
-lax ball shoulder mobility

A.) 15 minutes to work up to a heavy single turkish get up (or can stay with lightweight and work on technique to get comfortable with movement, but accomplishing many reps)

B.) 20 min AMRAP - Heavy ladders again

1 Squat Clean thruster (elite - 185/135 Rx - 135/95 Scaled - 95/65)
3 box jumps (elite - 30"/24" Rx - 24"/20" scaled - 20"/ 16")
2 squat clean thrusters
6 box jumps
3 squat clean thrusters
9 box jumps
4 squat clean thrusters
12 box jumps
15 BJ

Pretty gross workout all things considered, just go as far as you can make it down the ladder in 20 mins. The workout is meant to be heavy and slow. lots of standing around in between reps pacing yourself properly but staying consistent. No sprinting out of the gate.

There were better produced videos, but this was the most straight forward. It's fun to learn for sure!

CrossFit HYPE, East Boca Raton's premier Athletic Training and Olympic Lifting facility.

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