variance + awkwardness = potential world records

If this isn't an awkward complex, Im not sure what is... But since Im pretty sure it's never been done before.. we'll all hold world records after today..

Todays WOD

A.) Max out Clean Complex

Power Clean + Strict Press +
Low Hang Power Clean + PushPress +
Hi Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk.

Bar doesnt touch floor once you've done first power clean.

B.) More awkwardness.

10 min AMRAP

10 Dumbbell shoulder to over head (right hand) 55/35
10 DB weighted step ups (right hand) 55/35 + 24"/20"
10 Dumbbell shoulder to over head (left hand)
10 DB weighted step ups (left hand)

Real solid level of variance here.

Here's a nasty video of how The CrossFit Games southeast regionals developed this year.. with relatively local (Miami) Noah Ohlsen cleaning up shop against all of the top competition the southeast had to offer..


CrossFit HYPE, East Boca Raton's Premier Fitness Facility and Olympic Lifting Gym

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