Why so much Max Effort???
Been working on a lot of max effort work this week to become more competent within our workouts. Strength is a great tool for our lifts and strength within our workouts with lifts, max effort is a great tool for gymnastic and endurance work to be able to apply it to our workouts.
Broken down to make sense..
If a prescribed snatch in the workout is 95lbs, and your max snatch is 125lbs.. that perscribed snatch is about 75% of your max... But if raise your max snatch to 185lbs, that perscribed snatch becomes much lighter, relatively, as it is about 50% of your max. Therefore you are stronger in relativitety to the weight..
The same goes for gymnastic movements. If your 1 set of max effort(as many as possible without coming of bar) pullups PR is 20 reps and we have a workout that has 3 rounds of 12 pullups inlcuded in each round. The workouts prescribed effort is about 60% of your max. If you raise your max set of pullups to 36 reps. The work is only 33% of your max and relatively much easier to handle as it takes 'less effort'...
SO now you can see why technique, strength, and Max Effort are so important to us as we want to make the work within workouts much easier..
Today's WOD
10 PushUps
5 strict T2B
3 reverse burpees
- Band Pass throughs
- Lax Ball
A.) 5x3 PushPress
B.) 10 min EMOM
2 full snatch every minute
(Starting Light and ascending in weight as the emom progresses)
C.) 3 min Max Effort row for calories
3 min rest
3 Min Max Effort Row for calories
(Score is both calories added together)
HYPE Weightlifting Club is real and about to splash the scene.#HYPEGANG
CrossFit HYPE / HYPE Weightlifting, East Boca Raton's Premier Fitness Facility and Olympic Weightlifting Gym