Stupid Joke? + July 4th 10am only
SO we've come to the conclusion that on JULY 4th and 5th we're going to only have a 10am wod. Jam everyone, who is still in town, into one class and jam out. Should be fun.
Todays WOD
100m run
20 arm circles
10 air squats
1 inch worm
-Banded shoulder warm up/ pass throughs
-lax + foam
A.) Work up to heavy single - Full Snatch
B.) "Griff"
800m run
400m run backwards
800m run
400m run backwards
... is this some kind of stupid joke??
no. Well yes, kind of. But I'm not quite sure how bad running backwards for that long is going to be so we all get to find out today
HYPE Weightlifting Program -LC/FSB W1D3
- Power Snatch - 5x3 @ 75% of Power Snatch
- Clean Pull - 5x3 @ 95% of Clean
- Back Squat - Dynamic Speed - 5x5 @ 55% of 1rm back squat
5 rounds, rest as needed.
5 Bench press (Make it difficult, 75% of max type effort)
15 GHD situps
CrossFit HYPE / HYPE Weightlifting, East Boca Raton's Premier Fitness Facility and Olympic Lifting Gym.