Dont be a p#$$&
Personal write up on pain/injury and how to deal with it...
Shut up and do something about it. You may fall down, you may twist/bang/torque something on your body doing ANYthing in life. It may be doing work at home, it may be at the park, or even at the gym.. but fitness never stops. Just because your shoulder hurts, it doesn't mean sit around until you think it's better. Just because your knee hurts, it doesn't mean sit around until you think it's better. Just because your ____ hurts .....
Do SOMETHING else. Mobilize and repair the injured section, then work around what hurts by becoming more competent else where.. Too many people just stop doing anything to better themselves the second something hurts and it turns into a month+ long hiatus of binging and doing nothing.. Get over it and get back in here.
I about near broke my wrists off on a clean yesterday. It was the first part of the first session of the day. Had to sit out the rest of the cleans to sulk while everyone else finished. I instantly compression wrapped both wrists as I knew both were fairly sprained. Shook it off, grabbed some pulling straps and finished what I could because I knew I wasn't going to hurt them anymore by putting them in a non-volatile position. As the day grew on, the pain worsened.. While this is upsetting, it isn't the end of the world. It's my body telling me to do something else and work on other weaknesses.. So I got back in the gym later on by myself for session #2 and modified yesterdays 8 min amrap instead of doing nothing...
The workout as written was
8min amrap
10 OH lunges
10 burpee to plate
10 russian twists
I legitimately could not do a single one of those movements with how bad my wrists hurt.. so.. I thought creatively and got after it. I put a 20# weighted vest on and turned it into this.
8 min amrap
10 box step ups 24"
10 handless burpees (got down to elbows then to chest)
10 GHD situps
... That wasnt THAT difficult to modify..
What I'm getting at is, we can be creative. We had Jim hurt his back and could barely get out of bed next morning.. we rehabbed it for a few days with some modified workouts and added extra mobility where we took time out of our day to help our guy. Within 2 weeks of so called "injury"... He PR'd his clean and snatch.. Angel hurt his shoulder just driving his car.. for 2 days he couldnt even lift his shoulder above parallel..We took the time to rehab it for a week and modify every workout, but MADE SURE HE DIDNT JUST SIT AT HOME AND DO NOTHING.. 1 week later, the dude is hitting 5 muscle ups in a row mid workout..
I'm writing all this solely to tell you to stop being a pussy and get in here. We take care of our family, we're all in this together, and we want us all to succeed. I'm barely 30 hours in from hurting my wrists, and from taking proper rehab procedures, they feel 50% better and I can almost guarantee next week I'll PR my clean.. All from being positive and sticking with it.
Today's WOD
A.) 15 min EMOM
0:00 - 4:00
1 Strict Press
5:00 - 9:00
3 Push Press
10:00 - 14:00
5 Push Jerk
* This entire emom is done with 1 bar/1 weight. So find a strict press that is about 90% of your max and stick with that weight so you can get through all of the strict presses, as that will be the toughest part with heavy weight.
B.) Metcon - for time (Weight used should be about 70% of your 1rm clean if modified)
1 Squat clean - 205/125
3 T2B
2 Squat Clean - 205/125
6 T2B
3 Squat Clean - 205/125
9 T2B
4 Squat Clean - 205/125
12 T2B
5 Squat Clean - 205/125
15 T2B
This may make my point a bit more clear on injury... This dude severed his spine in an elite level crossfit competition... Lost all control waist down, will never walk again.. But he isn't a p#ssy, rehabbed himself properly, and now is back grinding doing whatever he can to stay fit. There are problems bigger than our own out there. Be humble.
This is the man himself Kevin Ogar Strong Ogar getting his first muscle up since injury. An inspiration to us all.
CrossFit HYPE / HYPE Weightlifting, East Boca Raton's Premier Fitness Facility and Olympic Lifting Gym.