HYPE Fam, we thank you


This weekend was an all around team effort.. We all picked one another up when we needed it and went as hard as we could at the Crush Games. This weekend meant much more than a competition to us. It was the first time we were able to represent our family (HYPE)...We had the best cheering section in the entire stadium... And to think we're barely even 5 months in on this journey. The biggest joy of our whole weekend was looking up, even when we were struggling, to see the ocean of supportive faces to give us the energy we needed to push harder... We are all in this together and you guys made this enjoyment possible. Without you it was just another weekend of working out. We're excited to have our HYPEfam with us at all of our future events... Again.. Thank you.

Today's WOD

-lax ball calf smash 

-leg warm up

-pose running tech

A.) 10 min emom

50m ME sprint

B.) skill work

*athletes choice*

Pick any movement you feel you need work on and we can assist you briefly while you chip away at perfection

C.) "AM Timothy Davis" - 12 min cap

12 Toes 2 Bar

- 2 rounds -

12 deadlifts 115/85

9 hang cleans

6 jerks

20 burpees

- 2 rounds -

12 deadlifts 115/85

9 hang cleans

6 jerks

12 toes 2 bar

CrossFit HYPE / HYPE Weightlifting East Boca Raton's premier fitness facility and Olympic lifting gym.

CrossFit HYPE / HYPE Weightlifting East Boca Raton's premier fitness facility and Olympic lifting gym.

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