

Our girl. Gettin'em. #CrushGames

As promised. That workout today was gross. And let it be known...... I write all these terms for encouragement, not to discourage you from how hard it's going to be.. Today's workout is going to be disgusting, tomorrow's : horrible, Mondays : ridiculous, Tuesdays : brutal .... I say things like this as to represent it as a challenge. It should spark awareness and place a fire under your ass to attack something that you've never done before, and go harder than you've ever gone. I want us to overcome things that appear impossible, as that, more than any fitness endeavor, will transfer to our real life. Never take the easy route. Always look to go the extra mile. Easy efforts come half ass results. Go hard always. The end.

Today's WOD, is going to suck like yesterday's. ;)

Jk, it's not that bad.

A.) snatch EMOM - 10 mins

Snatch pull + hang squat snatch

B.) "Randy" - 10 min cap

75 power snatch 75/55

For time.

Weight should be light and fast. Looking for sub 8 min times across the board here.

C.) core wod - not for time

3 rounds

30 sec L - hold on pull-up bar

20 Russian twist

10 v-ups

Tara Demers. The Crush Games 2014. CrossFit HYPE / HYPE weightlifting, east boca Raton's premier fitness facility and Olympic lifting gym

Tara Demers. The Crush Games 2014. CrossFit HYPE / HYPE weightlifting, east boca Raton's premier fitness facility and Olympic lifting gym

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