Results will follow
Diego has been with us for less than 3 months. Never snatched a day in his life before hand. And just snatched over body weight.. That's an unreal strength curve. It comes from day to day consistency and the desire to always want to improve. Believe in the process and keep grinding. The results will follow. #HYPEweightlifting
Oh... And today's wod.. Is going to be atrocious.
A.) Clean Complex
Power clean + Hang Clean
Work up to heaviest possible
B.) Metcon - for time
100 thrusters 95/65
*Every Minute starting on the 1st, 3 burpees.
Aka.. The faster your thrusters are, and the harder you work, the quicker you're done/ the less burpees you have to do . pretty simple.
video at .