More pull-ups?!
The entire gym just went crazy on Isabel.. It pays as whole facility to give a shit about good movement.. Because monster PRs like today tend to happen more frequently.
Today's WOD
A.) WHAT.... More PULL-UPS?!
1 max effort set of pull-ups
B.) going long
800m run
50 Double Unders
50 KB swing 24/16kg
50 double unders
50 Goblet Lunge 24/16
50 double unders
50 SumoDeadliftHighPull 24/16
800m run
The reason we are seeing pull-ups so frequently is because the open is upon us. So we're not doing a ton of them in one day, we're spreading the volume around a bit more so at the end of the week our total rep count ends up being higher. It's just to make sure we're ready to smash some pull-up wods.