BigLifts @ USAPL southeastern regionals

 #Repost @hypeweightlifting with @repostapp.


USAPL southeast Regionals were a success.

Nick came back to defend his Florida state squat record. He hit 601lbs 10 weeks ago, where 4 weeks ago at nationals he had his record broke at 622lbs... Well today he moved a buttery 285kg/628lbs for a new state record and just lost focus a bit on 639lbs.. We'll be back for that.

Our 3 men all hit personal records today.

Joe Rizzi with a big 474lbs squat and 580lbs deadlift.

Ryan Maranges pulling an easy 501lbs deadlift and staring a 500lbs back squat in the face





Today's WOD - benchDAYYY

A.) bench press

1 rep max.

B.) death-by : burpee +Doubleunder

Min 1 :

5 double unders

1 burpee

Min 2 :

10 double unders

2 burpees

Min 3 :

15 double unders

3 burpees

Min 4 :

20 du

4 burp

Min 5 :

25/5..... Continue until you cannot complete the work within the minute.

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