Get in here this weekend for 15.3.. Or else ..
Friday night lights went down. Some awesome accomplishments that everyone should be proud of.. Thanks to all that were there to support as well as those that were there to hammer through this WOD.
To those that weren't there.. Make sure you get in this weekend during the open hours of 12-1pm Sat + Sunday to get it done.. Because unless you're in Chicago or California, there are no excuses this week for showing up Monday night for your first try. We understand some want to do redos, but try get them done on Sunday or at 1130am on Monday. Night classes get too jammin to fit it all in... Which gets Rob sassy..
Today's WOD
200m run
20 pull-ups
20 pushpress 45/35
20 sit-ups
20 hang cleans 45/35
20 Burpees
400m run
20 burpees
20 hang cleans 45/35
20 sit-ups
20 PushPress 45/35
20 pull-ups
200m run