Happy One Year Anniversary HYPE
"Happy one year anniversary, CrossFit HYPE! You have cultivated an atmosphere that is unlike any other gym. It is a gym that people look forward to coming to everyday to get better. You have a way of breaking us down and building us back up. We all thank you and look forward to BIG things in year two!
The HYPE is REAL! #HYPEfam #HYPEgang"
Beautifully written by our very own Ashley. It means more than you know that our hard work goes noticed. The small things never go unseen and we thank you for recognizing that. This is more than just a business or a gym to us, it's our home and you are our family. We have your backs just as any family would. One year in and the plans we set over a year ago are still rolling out with more being generated every day. The future is exciting and I'm glad you are here to be apart of it.
Today's WOD
A.) Muscle Up Progressions
B.) beef'd up DT
RX+ :
3 rounds
400m run
12 deadlifts 175/120
9 hang cleans
6 jerks
3 muscle ups
RX : 135/95 MU = 9 strict pull-up
All things considered, one of the sicker workouts we've ever written. Going to be a great test.