Hard work breeds big results. Stay consistent and grind on. 

Today's WOD

A.) snatch


B.) granite games qualifier 2015 #2

---6 minutes---

1 rep - Strict hand stand push-up

- max height for a deficit -

(If no hspu, you will complete 2 minutes ME pushups, 4 mins rest)

---8 min AMRAP - max reps---

30 double unders

15 toes 2 bar

30 double unders

15 chest 2 bar pullups

---6 minutes---

1 rep - Strict hand stand push-up

- max height for a deficit -

(If no hspu, you will complete 2 minutes ME pushups, 4 mins rest)

There is 2 workouts in one here..

You will have 2 scores, both of your two heights will added together for B, and your reps total in the AMRAP for C.

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