Open 13.5


This just got me all sorts of amped to kill it.

Today's WOD

A.) power clean + push press

(1+5) - work up to a max

B.) open workout 13.5

4 min AMRAP

3 rounds

15 thrusters 100/65

15 chest 2 bar pullups

*** if 3 rounds is completed within 4 mins, second amrap begins immediately and you have the remainder to get started

4 min AMRAP 

3 rounds

15 thrusters 100/65

15 chest 2 bar pullups 

*** if 3 rounds is completed within 4 mins, third amrap begins immediately and you have the remainder to get started

4 min AMRAP 

3 rounds

15 thrusters 100/65

15 chest 2 bar pullups 

*** if 3 rounds is completed within 4 mins, 4th amrap begins immediately and you have the remainder to get started... Complete for as long as possible

As you can see, get your reps done at a  reasonable pace and you will have more time for your 2nd/3rd round of amrap's.

### Regardless if you get capped, I want everyone to hit it for 8 mins, but still give score if you miss completing the first AMRAP. ###

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