HYPE Powerlifting.
(our posting app has been down for a week, if you do not see the post on our website, check our facebook page. all updates are on facebook )
Great weekend of representing HYPE Weightlifting at the USAPL Florida Powerlifting 9th annual South Florida Championships. 3 lifters, 2 gold medals and 1 silver. 1 state record. Lots of yelling. Lots of flexing. Shit was real.
Check/ like the HYPE weightlifting / crossfit hype (www.hypeweightlifting.com / www.facebook.com/hypeweightlifting / www.facebook.com/crossfithype ) page to check the videos of the lifts.
Preparation for Crush Games is in full effect as it STARTS this Friday. Updates all week on scheduling of events and gym hours during the week to make up for our competition weekend. Let's get after it!
Today's WOD
A.) kipping / butterfly pullup technique
B.) hspu kipping technique
C.) 2015 crush games WOD 1
4 rounds
10 hand stand pushups (RX+:strict)
15 pullups (RX+:c2b)
20 jumping split squats (RX+:pistols)
14/12/10/8 DB snatches 60/40