My earlier instagram post read as follows:

"this is training

15 years old


195lbs, paused overhead squat

Only the first session of the day"


Kaela completed this lift, then did the programmed WZA WOD..

Then came back tonight and went nuts...

Did another WOD.

Snatched 152.5lbs out back in the "cold"/dark.

And then, did another workout.

This REALLLLYYY is training.. Wodapalooza is first in line. Then the open, then.... (To be continued 💪😁)

The future for HYPE looks bright.

Today's WOD

A.) 1 rep max deadlift

B.) 2015 wodapalooza swim WOD - mod

2 rounds - for time

25 deadlifts 255/175

200m run

25 strict HSPU

200m run

CrossFit HypeComment