New year new goals new hype

With the New Year comes new goals.

To accomplish those new goals takes drive, discipline, and structure. Dependent on the size of the new goal, it may take help, as well.

In the new year we a have a few changes we're making so we can strive to get better than we were yesterday and yesteryear.

1st and absolutely foremost, we have officially began our internship program. This will allow the individuals who have expressed their want to coach, taken the steps to be eligible, and those that we are comfortable with leading our classes, to be able to have a chance to coach you. We may act like it's fun and games in front of you, but that is part of the experience. Every hour we are awake we focus on the growth of our members, and facility. These soon to be hype coaches will fall in line with our goals and continue on with that stringent task. We want the 1-hour you are in hype to be the best part of your day. We are focusing our efforts on creating coaches that can assist in your movements and enjoyment of CrossFit. You will see some familiar, and unfamiliar faces helping us out for the next few weeks before they are set with their very own classes. The coaches, athletes, and members collectively will make HYPE a local force that can no longer go unnoticed.

2nd, bootcamp becomes FitCamp and has now been switched to 830am. This class will run simultaneously to the daily WOD of CrossFit during the 830am. The programming will be similar but modified in a way that makes it more user friendly to those who aren't interested in strength or gymnastic maxes. We feel strongly about this move because CrossFits methodology has taught us it is not in the changing of program that is needed per individual, just the means of intensity per workout. So if you are following FitCamp, expect similar wods but modified to make sure you are getting that crazy fat burning workout you're used to.

3rd, 930am-12pm Monday - Friday becomes open gym for weightlifting, powerlifting, and competitors workouts. It is now set in stone and allows us more time to train in the beginning of the day. This free'd up time slot may be used for strength camps in the future, but almost all things strength will happen during this time.

4th, fundamentals/onramp changes.

This will no longer be offered as a class included in membership at 8pm. The 8pm time slot will be for those finishing up accessory work while we cool down and close the gym up.. Fundamentals will now be a 3 class package offered at $100 and scheduled around your time for 1 on 1 training. These can be completed any time during the day or week, just needs scheduling with our coaches. We feel the experience will be much more enriched as we will get to know our athletes on a much more personal level and better acclimate them to our group classes.

5th, we are going to really start implementing WODIFY. All that means, is that you are signed into class before the class starts. Once you are done with the WOD, plug your scores in and that's it. Gains all around. Some already do it, but it's time to show everyone the benefit.

6th, more updates coming later in The week 😉 #GymGainz


a.) 2013 WZA qualifier complex

3 hang cleans + 3 front squats + 3 jerks

b.) for time

15 - 15 - 15 - 15

wall balls 20/14


unbroken t2b* 

*10 burpee penalty per break

200m run in between each round

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