Open workout 13.5
We know how good our girl is.. But now our nation will get a chance to find out as well! Junior Nationals begins this weekend and Kaela will be throwing down against the best in the country in her age and weight class.
Good luck from everyone at HYPE!
Today's WOD
A.) open workout 13.5
3 rounds
15 thrusters 100/65
15 chest 2 bar pullups
3 rounds
15 thrusters
15 chest 2 bar pullups
3 rounds
15 thrusters
15 chest 2 bars
.... Your workout ends when you cannot complete the reps/rounds within the 4 minute time frame.
Scaled : 10 thrusters (75/55) / 10 pullups
B.) accessory work-
3 rounds - nft
12 KB row R+L
12 KB press R+L
20 Russian twist