Sue and Brennan

 @suelasmar and @builtfjordtough going deep at 7pm with the HYPE crew!

Last week in this place as we move into our new facility next week.






Today's WOD

A.) for max reps

3 mins max effort :

Hang clean and jerk

2 mins rest

3 mins max effort :

Hang clean and jerk

2 mins rest

3 mins max effort :

Hang clean and jerk

Rx : 115/75 - 135/95 - 165/110

Intermediate : 95/65 - 115/75 - 135/95

Scaled : 75/55 - 95/65 - 115/75

RX+ : 135/95 - 185/125 - 225/155

B.) accessory work -

3 rounds

10 btn snatch press

10 good mornings

10 snatch grip row

Sue Lasmar and Brennan Fjord With the crew at CrossFit HYPE

Sue Lasmar and Brennan Fjord With the crew at CrossFit HYPE

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