Sue and Brennan
@suelasmar and @builtfjordtough going deep at 7pm with the HYPE crew!
Last week in this place as we move into our new facility next week.
Today's WOD
A.) for max reps
3 mins max effort :
Hang clean and jerk
2 mins rest
3 mins max effort :
Hang clean and jerk
2 mins rest
3 mins max effort :
Hang clean and jerk
Rx : 115/75 - 135/95 - 165/110
Intermediate : 95/65 - 115/75 - 135/95
Scaled : 75/55 - 95/65 - 115/75
RX+ : 135/95 - 185/125 - 225/155
B.) accessory work -
3 rounds
10 btn snatch press
10 good mornings
10 snatch grip row
Sue Lasmar and Brennan Fjord With the crew at CrossFit HYPE