Double wod.


The teen bro's are so live. Just amped to get after it every day.

I know we've been throwing a ton of lifting at you these past 6 weeks.. In the pursuit of gains of course. But since this week is getting all changed up with the Thanksgiving schedule + people are traveling and what not we figured we'd jam on this lovely double WOD for a change... (This was all Bens idea. He saw Elijah Muhammed and Kirk Gibson do the step up nonsense.. So blame him/them/him)

Today's WOD

A.) for time - 

1000m row

100 shoulder to overhead 75/55

10 strict pull-up

Yes, a ton of overhead... At lightweight. If you don't look at that weight and see an easy set of 30 to start it off... Then go lighter... Not lying. Make it fast.

B.) "umm so what's the wod?" - for time.

100 weighted step ups 53/35#, 24/20"

C.) 3 sets - ME weighted strict chins

CrossFit HYPE. Elite Fitness in Boca Raton East of Mizner Park.

CrossFit HYPE. Elite Fitness in Boca Raton East of Mizner Park.

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