Nutrition Talk Wednesday!
These next few weeks, being the start of the nutrition revolution, I'm going to be posting a bunch of articles on how to make alterations to our diets to achieve the results we are looking for. There are many ways to skin a cat and we are all in a different spot in terms of our body composition... So the articles may apply to some and not others but I'm going to post a BROAD range so read them all just to know each approach.
ALSO, this Wednesday night at 8pm.. While Weightlifting Wednesday is going down, Ben will be in here answering any nutrition questions you guys may have. Bring your dunk tank print out and we can assist you in how to tackle the goals you may have in mind.. We'll be talking macro nutrients almost all hour but it truly is the start of HOW-TO make it all happen. Even if you didn't do the dunk tank we can talk nutrition, join us if you'd like!
Today's WOD
A.) Clean + Below Knee Han Clean
(1+1) x 5 @ 75-78% of clean max
B.) 5 min amrap
10 Burpee
20 pull-ups
RX+ = chest 2 bar
At 5:00 min mark
Complete for time -
25 sit-ups
75 double unders
50 push-ups
75 double unders
25 sit-ups
For those that need to EAT UP.