Power of expectation
Everyone gets hung up on what they DON'T want for an outcome versus what they actually want... Women walks through door.
"I don't want to get bulky"
#ShootMeInTheFace .. I promise... You won't. You couldn't even if you tried. I DARE YOU TO TRY.
"I don't want to set any lifting records"
I try every single day, 100% of the time... And it still hasn't happened .. Only good things have come from the effort I put forth.. So if you lack any kind of progressive mindset to be better than yesterday, don't waste your time. We're here to progress.
Today's WOD
A.) Muscle Up Progression - Rings
-hollow hold
-controlled hollow kip
-ring control with bigger kips
-hip extensions
B.) Max Effort Set of Pull-ups
C.) for time-
5 rounds
5 wall balls 20/14
10 toes 2 bar
1 min rest
5 rounds
10 wall balls
5 toes 2 bar
*min rest counts in time
Flex protecting his girl after she went nutso on today's wod at 11pm. #TurnUp