

The ever-elusive muscle up.

Wednesdays our hump day in terms of lifting and we are going to spend time each week working on this gymnastics skill. We had 3 first time bar muscle ups last week and I know a few more are close.. So this is our time to work on it!

Today's WOD


Lax on floor (lats+rhomboids)

3 rounds

10 second dead hang

10 wall angels

10 hollow push-up

A.) Muscle Up Progression (Bar)

- hollow kip

- horizontal hip thrusts

- pull-up

- chest 2 bar

- belly button to bar

- turnover attempts 

(This is the time to either go for it or learn on floor with low pull-up bar to get the hang of the transition in to dip)

- muscle up + multiples

B.) 1 Max Effort Set of Pull Ups

C.) 13 minute AMRAP


Thrusters 95/65

Toes 2 Bar

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