Understanding how to pace
While some may look at this as wtf... 50 nonsense ass reps of nonsense.. I look at this as how fast is my 50 set of box jumps when fatigued.. It's a good split number to have as it is definitely something that will come in handy when assessing competition/open workouts. You know how much it will hurt to do it at a certain speed, so if there are other difficult movements around the box jumps, assess your efforts appropriately and pace for a nice time. Lets get to work.
Today's WOD
A.) deadlift
9reps x 5 sets @ 50%
B.) for time -
50 step ups 24"/20"
50 box jumps
50 burpee box jumps
Tara pulled the sled to the beach and back.. With a few pounds.. Just because.