Barbell and Kettlebell Snatches.
Barbell and Kettlebell snatches.
3 rounds
200m run
20 double unders
-LAX ball mobility
-Pendlay snatch WarmUp+Technique
A.) EMOM for 10 mins
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch
B.) 15 min AMRAP
10 Kettlebell Snatches (32/24)
20 Toes2Bar
30 DoubleUnders
Here is the video of the 14.2 workout that won the mens category. While the ladies had a more impressive showing... the ending of this video is unreal how he does what he does.. not going to give it away.. just watch. (an explanation of workout - you must complete the designated # of reps within the 3 minute time cap to move on to next round of 3 minutes and an increased reps. if you do not complete your reps, the workout is done.. this guy doesnt stop..)
Irv 14.2 (Backup Camera) from Glissel on Vimeo.