Switching the order up.
Switching the order up.
WOD- WarmUp
3 rounds - for form
5 Burpees
10 Lunge steps
15 Wind mills
Banded Front Squat Hold
Couch Stretch
A.) "Grace"
30 Clean and Jerk (135/95)
(Modifications for male = if weight is, or under, 95# - 8 min AMRAP of clean and jerks
Modifications for female= if weight is, or under 65# - 8 min AMRAP of clean and jerks)
B.) Front Squats
3x3 - Heaviest possible
Switching stimulus up ! doing the wod first and lifting after! always keeping the body guessing as well as letting you hit the benchmark wod fresh so you can put down a PR time.
I have to semi apologize to those that are just getting out of onramp and JUST did "Grace" ... take this as another chance to keep refining your Clean n Jerk form. Kill iT!
"Our Article posted on Boca Raton magazine's fitness page! talking about our grand opening THIS weekend. First month in and we already have an AWESOME community that is growing by the DAY. The atmosphere is great with everyone supporting oneanother regardless of how long they've been involved with CrossFit. Veterans and beginners of ALL ages are the current dna of our gym and everyone that works hard is family here at hype. Come get in on the mix this weekend!"