We're watching 14.1 tomorrow night! Come through!
Screens and speakers are wired up nice and ready to rip. The CrossFit Open workout 14.2 is being performed down in Doral at I AM CrossFit.. and while we'd love to be there, we're doing the workout the SECOND they announce and perform it live.. so we don't have TIME to go down and check it out.. Member or NOT we'd love to have you come through and watch it with us
a few of us watching the announcement of 14.1 last week
Workout Of Day -
Warm Up-
Ankle + knee Mobility + PVC
Jerk Technique
10 Mins to work up to a
2RM Push Jerk (from floor)
WOD - 35 Min cap
5 Rounds for time
400m Run
30 Box Jump
30 Wall Balls
Endurance WOD -
-800m Warm up
-2 min Tabata wall lean + form cadence
- Foot Mobility
- 10 x side step cone touch + 50m sprint
- 4 x 400m