Worst ever.
This article needs to be ingrained into 100% of Americans day to day choices/thinking. Absolute quality here. breaking down some americanized choices where there is no factual info backing up reason for following. aka egg yolks vs egg whites and what ingesting the yolks cholesterol ACTUALLY does inside the body opposite contrary belief of raising blood pressure... definitely read this to get a better idea of our prescription for nutrition..
and while you're reading this article... you can think about the fact
that we're doing the worst CrossFit workout ever invented tomorrow
5 rounds for time
800m run
30 American Kettlebell Swing (32/24)
30 PullUps
.. it may not look like much on paper... but the connection of being fatigued coming into heavy KB swings mixed with the taxation those do to your grip for the pullups.. leads to a disaster real quick. Should be QUITE enjoyable.