Memorial Day Muprh

Tomorrow morning, as we posted earlier last week and been talking in classes about, is time to honor Lt. Michael Murphy with the HERO WOD named after him.

We have classes at 9 am and 11am tomorrow. After the 11am class we'll be walking to the beach to cool down in the ocean after we do our man the honor.


1 Mile Run
100 PullUps
200 PushUps
300 Air Squats
1 Mile Run

For true honor and the ultimate RX.. You must wear a 20lbs vest/Backpack/Ruck/Armor and do unpartitioned.. meaning.. no breaking up the work.. straight up and down as read..

that is how a few of us plan to do it tomorrow.. 

CrossFit HYPE, East Boca Raton's Premier Fitness Facility and Olympic Lifting Gym.

CrossFit HYPE, East Boca Raton's Premier Fitness Facility and Olympic Lifting Gym.

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