Bound to hear some complaints
Assuming our legs are going to be trashed from murph.. Going to bring the intensity way down today and do something that's bound to bring on some complaints..
-legswings + pole squats
-PVC OHS warmup
-Snatch warmup
A.) ascending weight -
Full snatch EMOM 10min
Single full snatches focusing on technique working to heaviest possible with no misses
RX = snatch starts at 75#. Increase by 10# each minute. Goal is to make every rep. Score is weight made . If you miss, work your way back down decreasing weight by 10# to complete emom
B.) farmers carry 1200m for time
RX weight = 24kg/16kg
Or 55#/35#
The carry gets worse than you think.. And we know the street course pretty well by now .. 1200m is one full lap + SE 3rd st.
Here's another pic of the from Murph today. The rest of the pics are on our Facebook page -
CrossFit HYPE, East Boca Raton's Premier Fitness Facility and Olympic Lifting Gym.