Short and heavy followed by some intervals. I know we did a ton of pullups on monday, and our grip is shot from the farmers carry yesterday.. but we're doing just a few more pulls this week to really finish off those lats.
We are doing a metcon for our strength but I want us to take a different mentality into this workout as I'm not entirely concerned with our time.. I want more quality of reps, and if that means a slower workout.. then so be it. Make it look good, make the Deads heavy and the PullUps strict!
-LAX Ball
-500m row
-30 perfect form kips
-light good morning + DL form
A.) 9-7-5
Burpee strict Pullup (elite = Burpee MuscleUp)
Deadlift 225/155 (Elite - 315/225)
B.) 3 rounds
500m Row - every 5 mins
score = 3 times added up
CrossFit HYPE, East Boca Raton's Premier Fitness Facility and Olympic Lifting Gym.