Members who have been serious crossfitters for some time now, but decided it was time for a change and joined the HYPEfam... are hitting PRs/results within the 1-2 months they've been here that are even crazy for us as coaches to see. Hard work pays off. Programming has been on point and work ethic has been exactly where it's needed to hit these goals quicker than once thought possible. You dont know what#gainz are until you hang around for a week or 4.. from our teens to our regular members. Awesome to be a part of. This next year is going to be unreal.
Todays WOD
3 rounds
5 pushups
5 situps
10 arm circles
- LAX ball shoulders
A.) 3RM Strict press
B.) 15-12-9-6-3
Shoulder 2 Overhead 95/65
Toes 2 Bar
Burpee Over Bar
This is Klokov hitting a 365# strict press off the floor. Goals for tomorrow.