Got a real nice write up for tomorrows post in mind... A nice in depth conversation was had later in the day that got me thinking as to what I try to pass on to others within the gym.. but like I said, that's for tomorrow.. as for tonights main concern is BEN WILL BE RUNNING A NUTRITION SEMINAR TOMORROW (WEDNESDAY) AT 8PM.
This is during our #WeightliftingWednesday night's but it will be cool to get a few of us together to combine thoughts and questions and come together on nutrition. There are many different ways to skin a cat, and all of us at HYPE have different thoughts on the topic. So we'll set some myths straight and talk about the do's and dont"s of nutrition. We'll share how each one of us eat currently and what we could be better at. It is best to realize that we are all human and have lives, but optimal nutrition needs to be a part of it for the best results possible.
So whether you work out in the morning, or night, come back for the 8pm nutrition talk.. Should be some good ideas floating around on how we can all improve our lives.
Todays WOD
2 rounds
15 Toe Touches
15 Arm Circles
15 No Band WindMills
15 Air Squats
- Pendlay, 3 position Clean warmup
- set up weights
A.) 2012 CFG "Clean Ladder"
Every 60 seconds complete a Clean.
Each 60 seconds lift must increase by : Men - 10#
Female - 5#
RX+ - 135/95
RX - 95/65
Scaled - 65/45
B.) 2014 CFG "Midline March"
3 rounds
50 Situps
30m Bear Crawl
30m OH Walking Lunge 45/35
Rx+ (25 GHD, 30m Hand Stand Walk, 30m 155/115 OH walking lunge)
CrossFit HYPE / HYPE Weightlifting, East Boca Raton's Premier Fitness Facility and Olympic Lifting Gym.