

Rick Ross, Johnny Manziel, Wyclef Jean ... etc arent the only ones jumping into crossfit. P Diddy is now in the mix. #Official

A couple of short workouts in a row, now we'll lengthen it just a bit to breathe a little more..

Today's WOD

A.) 5x5 Deadlift

All accomplishable sets above 85% of 5RM. Lots of rest in between each set.

B.) 20 min cap

500m row

50 box jumps 24/20"

50 push-ups

500m row

50 push-ups

50 box jumps 24/ 20"

500m row




HYPE Weightlifting Deload

- Snatch Pull + above the knee Hang Snatch (1+2) x 5 @ 50% snatch

- clean pull + 5 second descent to below knee + low hang clean + split jerk (1+1+1+1) x 5 @ 50%

3 rounds

10 dumbell bench 

10 strict pull up 

10 ghd sit-up 


Diddy CrossFit HYPE East Boca Raton Florida Fitness Gym Beach Mizner Park Palmetto

CrossFit HYPE / HYPE Weightlifting, East Boca Raton's Premier Fitness Facility and Olympic Lifting Gym

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