15 for 15


Who would of thought that potentially the most monotonous exercise of all time could lead to a pretty solid competition. The brah's getting after a max wall-sit pre wod at 10am to see who was going to get to dish out burpees. Simple, a bit stupid, but equally brutal.

Also a quick stat. 15 out of 15 people PR'd their back squat at the 6pm class. So much gainz in one class it's crazy. Unreal.

Today's WOD

A.) Clean and Jerk complex 

10 min emom

2 cleans + 3 jerks

Work up to heavy throughout 10 mins

B.) Metcon - for time


     Strict pull-up


     Wall ball

CrossFit HYPE / HYPE Weightlifting, East Boca Raton's Premier Fitness Facility and Olympic Lifting gym.

CrossFit HYPE / HYPE Weightlifting, East Boca Raton's Premier Fitness Facility and Olympic Lifting gym.


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