This.Is. Community.
This. Is. Community.
We don't give a sht what you look like.. The only thing we judge you by is your effort and if you give every ounce you contain when the time calls for it. All of us are in this together pulling for each other to be stronger than yesterday.
Today's WOD
A.) Metcon - For Time
40 PullUps
20 Cleans 135/95
20 C2B PullUps
10 Cleans 185/125
10 Bar Muscle Up
5 Cleans 205/135
B.) Accessory Work - Not For Time
3 Rounds
10 DB press
10 DB Man Makers
20 DB Weighted Situps
CrossFit HYPE / HYPE Weightlifting, East Boca Raton's Premier Fitness Facility and Olympic Lifting Gym