Work diligently!
A complete change in direction compared to yesterday's brutality. Intervals have increased, weight increased, Metcon duration WAY decreased.
Lots of parts so work diligently today!
Today's WOD
A.) 1 Max Effort Set of strict chin ups
Now that we've all made it through the weighted strict chin section. One max set today. If unable to get more than 2 strict chin ups. The standard will be max set with a green band.
B.) 5x1 push press @ 90% max
C.) 3 rounds -
Every 6 minutes run 800m
@ 18 min mark start part D.
D.) 2 min AMRAP
20 box jump overs 24"/20"
ME dips
2 min rest
2 min AMRAP
20 dips
ME box jump overs 24"/20"
Amanda attacking the thrusters during hero wod "the seven"
Crossfit HYPE / HYPE Weightlifting, East Boca Raton's premier fitness facility and Olympic lifting gym