Do you even yoga bro?
After our nutrition series is up... The next monster we're going to tackle is mobility.
As time progresses we'll talk more about what we're going to do to up our flexibility / mobility.. But to get the ball rolling just a bit, our girl Kym Klein (the baddest yoga instructor to ever even yoga #DoYouEvenYogiBro) who was in here with Lululemon a few months back is doing a yoga seminar at wodapalooza this weekend!
The times are on the event. But come watch HYPEgang tear up the comp and maybe get a stretch on while you're at it.. Kym will be in here with us in no time once we figure out our mobility revolution..
Today's WOD
A.) Work Up To A Max
Strict Press
B.) for time -
30 cal row
40 toes 2 bar
50 OH lunge steps 45/35
2 min rest
C.) 100m shuttle run
100 double under
100m shuttle run