Hero WOD Josh
Transitions win championships. The less you can transition as a team the better you will do against your competitors. Time is lost in transition where no work is being done.. So work harder while others are resting. One rep or 10 seconds could separate 10 places in a workout.. So make them all count and plan to succeed.
The crowd got so turnt when we put the bar on our back and turned around when lunging rather than transitioning to the next partner.. LETSGOO
Today's WOD
A.) working on up.
3 minutes to work up to -
3 rep max touch n go Snatch
2 minutes to work up to -
2 rep max hang snatch
1 minute to work up to -
1 rep max overhead squat
B.) "Josh"
21 OHS 95/65
42 pull-ups
15 OHS
30 pull-ups
18 pull-ups