WZA complex ladder


Free time was fun! 💩 A few more empty conditioning wods this week as next weeks new program will bring us right into the CrossFit OPEN. Get ready to compete boys and girls!

Today's WOD

A.) Clean Complex Ladder  - for time - 3 minute cap

3 hang cleans 135/95

3 front squats

3 jerks

2 hang cleans 155/105

2 front squats

2 jerks

1 hang clean 175 / 115

1 front squat

1 jerk

It's a fast event! We'll warm up technique and talk about the different variations of hangs to get you through this workout as fast as possible 

B.) 3 rounds - max reps

1 min plank

1 min wall balls 20/14

1 min OH lunges 20/14

1 min rest

RX = holding plank for entire minute.

Staci smashing the complex ladder last weekend.

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