Wodapalooza qualifier results + Thanksgiving schedule
The Wodapalooza Fitness-Festival #wodapalooza qualifier results :
Team HYPE qualified in the top 50 RX teams (25-75)
Tara qualified in the top 75 RX females (25-100)
We are ready to better our performances from last year. We have done nothing but train to do just that. It is our main priority. Nothing else matters to our competitive program other than getting better. You may be able to portray to others that you're working.. Let your results speak for themselves. Top 10 last year. We want more.
Dissect what you did wrong and never let it happen again.
9am class
5pm class
THURSDAY (Thanksgiving) :
9am ONLY
9am class
5pm class
SATURDAY: normal
Today's WOD
A.) bench press
5x5 @ 75%
B.) 8 min AMRAP
8 toes 2 bar *
3 squat snatches 155/105
*toes 2 bar must be unbroken